General Mechanical

General Mechanical

Topics related to Mechanical Enterprise, Motion, Additive Print and more.

Fix a node to a location that remains in place even if the mesh size is changed

    • sna


      How can I keep a node in the same location when i remesh?

      I want to do a mesh convergence study and was thinking of making a Parameter Set for a Face Sizing on some areas of interest

      I solve my system using the default mesh and pick som nodes, and evaluate the totalt strain for those nodes... but when i remesh and go to check the node results the nodes have moved

      Can i fix the nodes between remeshing?



    • Erik Kostson
      Ansys Employee



      Make sure to have a vertex at the locations of interest (one can do that by split face , body etc. in discovery/sc/ or design modeler), because the mechanical mesher will always add a node at a vertex, so when the mesh changes it will still add/have a node to the vertex. Scope results to the vertex (not a node).

      All the best



      • sna

        Hi Erik!

        Thank you, that almost did it for me 🙂 

        For Design Point 0 i select a node of interest and evaluate total strain

        But for DP 1,2, and 3 Ansys changes the evaluation from “1 node” to “all bodies”

        How can i output the “1 node” result for DP 1,2 and 3?

        Thank you!






    • sna

      Hi Erik!

      Thank you, that almost did it for me :) 

      For Design Point 0 i select a node of interest and evaluate total strain

      But for DP 1,2, and 3 Ansys changes the evaluation from "1 node" to "all bodies"

      How can i output the "1 node" result for DP 1,2 and 3?

      Thank you!





    • Erik Kostson
      Ansys Employee



      Just to reiterate (see especially that we need to: 1 split the geometry, and 2nd to scope results of interest to vertex and not the node)

      Make sure to have a vertex at the locations of interest (one can do that by split face , body etc. in discovery/sc/ or design modeler), because the mechanical mesher will always add a node at a vertex, so when the mesh changes it will still add/have a node to the vertex. Scope results to the vertex (not a node).

      All the best



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