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FEA Testing for a soft adaptive finger help


    • NathanaelMorley

      Hello, I am looking to test a design for a soft adaptive grippere finger for a university project.

      In an article I read about using Ansys software to displace a rounded object into a finger to observe the force response, however using Ansys mechanical I can only figure out how to impose a force and get the displacement, which is ther opposite of what I need. 

      Does anyone know to acheive this? Any responses would be much appreciated.

      Attached is a image showin what I mean.


    • harshvardhan.negi
      Ansys Employee

      You need to model the 'rounded object' too. Then give displacement boundary condition to that object, making sure that contact exicts between the rounded object and finger.

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    • Erik Kostson
      Ansys Employee


      As Harshvardhan you would need to model that object your drawn, apply an enforced displacement onto it in order to make contact with the other part (usee contacts for that), that will then deflect.

      Since you are a student, I would suggest to go through our courses , e.g., on contacts:

      All the best



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