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Fatigue Analysis Kf Value

    • dada taka

      I am going to do fatigue analysis for alloy 2024-T6 and alloy 2099. But in fatigue analysis settings there is "Fatigue Strength 
      Factor (Kf)" section. What should i do in here? For the aluminium alloys, is there a general Kf value?


    • dada taka

      Is there anybody who can help ?

    • danielshaw
      Ansys Employee

      Kf is just a general modification factor (always equal to or less than 1.0) used to reduce the fatigue resistance.  For example, the test specimens used to develop the S-N curve are typically polished, but the actual material might have a rough surface finish.  Kf can be used include the surface finish effect.

    • dada taka

      Is there a handbook, table or formulation on what the Kf value should be? I am not sure what value I should take.

    • danielshaw
      Ansys Employee

      No.  Typically Kf=1.  You need to understand how the S-N curve was developed and how the part was manufactured to assess if another Kf is appropriate.  Based on that knowledge, you might be able to find a reference that discusses the appropriate Kf.

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