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Export frequency data from Rocky DEM simulation

    • H Zhou


      I’m seeking help exporting simulation data from Rocky. I have simulation results for particles moving inside a box-like boundary. The default display from Rocky is not very clear for the contact frequency between the particle and the boundary distribution. I want a better display or a more scientific way of showing the result. How can I export the accumulated frequency from Rocky results?

      I opted for the Frequency in the Boundary Collision Module. Then displayed the sum of Frequency in the 3D view. The frequency at the corner is not properly displayed. 

      Thank you in advance




    • Lucas Bertollo Baggio
      Ansys Employee


      Hello Zhou,

      Assuming that what is shown on the screenshot is your boundary, it seems like the procedure you are following is right, but something with your geometry seems to be wrong for the contacts computation, or there is something preventing particles to collide with the corners. 

      Consider checking your geometry triangles in Data Editors | Wall | Transform | Triangle Size and check in the 3D View if the particles are really getting in contact with the walls.

      Feel free to continue this conversation right here, so we can find the best outcome for your case.


      Best regards, 



      • H Zhou

        Hi Lucas,

        Thank you very much for your reply. I changed the triangle size to a smaller dimension and believe I have the right result this time as shown below. The coloured image itself is not very clear of showing the frequency. I'm wondering if there's a way of exporting the frequency with the geometrical coordinates so I can process this data with other drawing methods.




    • Lucas Bertollo Baggio
      Ansys Employee

      Hi again Zhou, it's nice to see that you could fix your simulation issues! :)

      In order to export your contact coordinates, you might need to make use of Rocky PrePost:API, that you can get more information about by clicking on Help | Manuals | API:PrePost Manual in Rocky's menu. Thus, you will be able to get and export every contact coordinate through python.

      You can also contact our Support Team for specific directions in this case. 


      Best regards, 



      • H Zhou

        Hi Lucas,

        Thank you for pointing me to the PrePost direction. I will try to figure this out.



        • Lucas Bertollo Baggio
          Ansys Employee



          Hey Zhou, 


          In order to facilitate your access to manual information, I will try to give you more specific direction here. 

          To set up and post-process your project using the API, learn about these sections: 


          Then, to access your contacts&coordinates data, you may use the following section:


          And you can access these grid functions (contacts coordinates):


          by using .GetGridFunction(‘Property Name’):


          FOR EXAMPLE:

          contacts = study.GetContactData()
          contacts_x = contacts.GetGridFunction('Contact X-Coordinate')


          So you can export the data you got to a .csv with python tools. 




          Best regards,




        • H Zhou

          Hi Lucas,

          Thank you for the detailed instructions. I will give it a try and post the result later.


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