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Error when importing Tecplot file (.plt)


    • Thodorisdm


      I want to average the flow field of my last 10 time steps and then import it back in Fluent. 

      I am doing the averaging in Tecplot but whenever I am importing the .plt file into Ansys Fluent, I get the following error : 


      Multicore SMT processors detected. Processor affinity set!


      Opening library "C:\PROGRA~1\ANSYSI~1\v201\fluent\fluent20.1.0\vki\win64\devtools4.4.6.dll"... done.


      MPI Application rank 0 exited before MPI_Finalize() with status -1

      The fl process could not be started.


      Can you help me with this?


      Kind regards, 

    • Rob
      Forum Moderator

      Binary or ASCII?  https://ansyshelp.ansys.com/account/Secured?returnurl=/Views/Secured/corp/v231/en/flu_ug/flu_ug_FileImport.html%23flu_ug_file_import_tecplot     

      You do know about the Data Sampling in Fluent?


    • Thodorisdm

      It is binary. 

      I know it but it cannot help me. I want to modify the flow field for the last ten time-steps, by caclculating the average of the previous time- step and the current and then replace the current flow field with the averaged. 

      I can do it in Tecplot but the problem is when importing the (tecplot binary file --> .plt) back to fluent. I am using Fluent 2020R1 and I have tried tecplot versions from 2008 till 2019 but always the same error. 

      Thank you.

    • Rob
      Forum Moderator

      If you don't change anything does the file read into Fluent? 

    • Thodorisdm

      I tried it but still the same error persists.

    • Rob
      Forum Moderator

      What type of cells have you got, and did you do any adaption? 

    • Thodorisdm

      Mainly structured and very few unstructured. I am using sliding mesh approach. When exporting the .plt file nothing changes on the mesh. 

      I downloaded the 2023R1 version but still I get the same error. 

      Let me describe the followed process in case the mistake is in it : 

      1. Read the .cas.h5 file.
      2. Import the tecplot file at the same time step as the loaded case file.
    • Thodorisdm

      I don't think there is a solution to this issue. 

      I will probably have to switch to PyFluent or Scheme scripting. Which one is more computationally efficient to handle large matrices? 

    • Rob
      Forum Moderator

      The Tecplot format (.plt) overwrites the mesh anyway so is just mesh and data, no boundary conditions: no need to read in the case. Have you tried deleting the non-conformal interface before writing the Tecplot file out?

      Depending on what data you need you may find Interpolation files easier to deal with. A colleague has used Python to merge data files before, he used legacy .dat but that was also before the HDF format was available. 


    • Thodorisdm

      Thank you for your reply. 

      I think working with the interpolation files is the way to go. 

      However, in order to be more efficient, I want to use them in binary format. Therefore, could you please inform me on how are they encoded?


    • Rob
      Forum Moderator

      If it's not in the manual I can't comment: the forum is classed as an Export so I must comply with US law. 

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