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Error parsing expression: “pwl($Tensile_modulus_with_temperature_462,Temp)”…

    • alexandre-antoi.bourrieau


      I am mixing 3D layout component + HFSS component in HFSS 3D and I got this error :

      While parsing expression: "pwl($Tensile_modulus_with_temperature_462,Temp)", an error was found near character 46. 

      Any idea ??

    • alexandre-antoi.bourrieau

      Ok iyt seems there is a bug when using 3d-layout component and 3d component which contain material from "Granta Materials" because when we use them, it add dataset on the project :

      After importing theses components whith these materials, the datsets are imported into the global project and they cannot be deleted.

      I think a solution is to clone the material without the dataset...


    • Aymen Mzoughi
      Ansys Employee

      Please reach out to Ansys customer support and provide your project.

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    • alexandre-antoi.bourrieau



      I have replaced all “granta materials” in each components (3D components and layout coponents) by my own material by copying the values and so I have no more dataset now and no more errors with the dataset "$..."


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