General Mechanical

General Mechanical

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Earthquake analysis using transient structural


      I solve the problem of bridge using past earthquake data of acceleration, i applied acceleration data and applied standard Earth gravity then analysed but in result i get very small value like in 0.24mm, it's my first simulation so it's value is okay or not how to confirm these can anyone please suggest me...

    • peteroznewman

      You don't say what type of analysis you performed. There is more than one way to analyze the response of a bridge to an earthquake.

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      i performed non linear time history analysis and i have past earthquake data of acceleration vs time, i performed transient structural analysis can you please check these method is rigth or i can mistake something..

    • peteroznewman

      I can't check because you did not create a link that anyone can open.

    • peteroznewman

      I took a brief look at your model.

      You seem to have a road surface at the top laid on what must be a concrete deck that is supported on a corrugated side wall and a bottom plate.

      The road surface seems to have many faces/edges on the top. 

      Go into SpaceClaim and on the Repair tab, click the Extra Edges and get rid of all these extra edges.

      The first problem is none of these bodies are connected. The second problem is there is only one element through the thickness. The third problem is the one element is Linear due to the fact that the Mesh Details is set to CFD. How did that happen?  Change that back to Mechanical and the default will be Quadratic elements.

      To correct these problems, I suggest you open the geometry in SpaceClaim. Put the two bodies for the road and deck in a single component and on the Workbench tab, click the Share button so that the road will be connected to the deck.

      The second problem can be addressed in Mechanical by setting the Mesh settings to Sweep or Multizone to put at least 2 elements through the thickness of every body.

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