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De-embedding in Electronics desktop

    • Gurpreet Hundal

      I have a extracted small geometry from a layout file and simulated in ansys electronics. Now if i want to de-embed my transmission lines to longer length I am modifying my ports under Excitations and defining the new lengths for the transmission lines. My thoughts were that after that the tool will automatically update the s-parameter results w/o re-simulating. 

      But all I see is the s-parameter plots are not valid under results. How do I go about updating the s-parameter w/o re-simulating.



    • Mrinmoy Bharadwaj
      Ansys Employee

      Hello Gurpreet,
      Any changes to the geometry of the model would render the results invalid. If you only change the dembedding length by the required amount, the results would not be invalidated and the S-matrix will be post-processed to reflect the impedance at the new length specified in the de-embedding distance. For going into the line from the port, you specify a positive length, a negative value to the de-embedding distance would reflect the s-matrix of an elongated line which I assume you are trying to do.

      I hope this helps

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