General Mechanical

General Mechanical

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creep convergence issue


      hi all,

      i need to know, if i put constants from th APDL to Creep model and simulate, there is conergence issue at the begining of the creep stage on, what will be the problem what i need to focus to avoid this convergenc issue

    • peteroznewman

      One thing to focus on is to use sufficiently small time steps at the beginning of the simulation.


      i have used only two time steps sub steps like 100, 100, 1000. it is not converging failure at the begning itself


    • peteroznewman

      What is your end time?  Let's say it is 65,536 seconds.  That is 4^8.

      Use 8 steps with end times of 4, 16, 64, 256, 1024, 4,096, 16,384, 65536.

      I expect if Step 1 has an end time of 4 seconds and you give it 100 initial substeps, it will converge.  If it does not, there is something wrong with your model.


      thanks for your message, 
      i choosen modified time hardening model,if i apply this constants results are not converging, but if i reduce C1 1/7 then it runs completely but the expt and Fea strain results are not matching.


      is there any way to do tertiary creep by user defined program(V22 R1)?

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