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Coupled Analysis Fluent – Mechanical Loses Animation Frames When Saved and Rest

    • rnegrete


      I'm trying to make a 2 way transient coupled simulation with Fluent and Mechanical. It runs OK, but if I interrupt it, save it and then restart it, the animations in Fluent only keep the frames from the last saved state to the actual state. How can I save partial simulations and keep all of the animation frames in Fluent? So far, I have only noticed that some animation frames are missing, but could there be more information I'm loosing? What info would that be?

      Many thanks


    • Rahul
      Ansys Employee

      Are you solving this coupling simulation in Workbench or outside Workbench (standalone system coupling)?

    • rnegrete

      In Workbench I have a Transient Structural, a Fluid Flow (Fluent) and System Coupling modules, and I'm solving in Workbench, on the System Coupling Tab, on the Solution element of the tree



    • Rahul
      Ansys Employee

      I tried the same and it retained both (before and after restart) animation files.

      Before restart:

      After restart:

      Please refer following video tutorial to know more about restarting coupled simulation in Workbench.

      Restarting a Coupled Analysis in Fluent and Mechanical (youtube.com)

    • rnegrete

      I also have the animation files after I save. they are not displayed directly in Fluent's Animation Screen, though.... I have to go to Read, and then Select the file and then I can play it, but when I play it, it only has the amount of frames that were created after the last save. 

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