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Contact Forces or force chain diagram

    • vamsinaik_p210043ce

      How to get particle particle interaction in ansys rocky, i.e., contact forced between the particles?? Is it possible to get force chain daigaram (Force chain is solid lines that illustrate the contact force transmitted between different elements)?

    • Lucas Bertollo Baggio
      Ansys Employee


      You can Enable Contacts Data by selecting Contacts in Data Panel and enabling its checkbox in Data Editors. 

      In the postprocessing, you can open a 3D View, go to Contacts | Coloring tab and enable Contacts Network (force chain).


      best regards,


    • vamsinaik_p210043ce

      Thank you sir for the reply

      Now, I am able to get contact forces  (as normal and tangential forces) from the contacts tab, which is very useful for my research.

      May I know the role of the Numerical Softening Factor in ansys rocky? As I increase the value of the Numerical Softening Factor from 1 to 1.5,  more contact forces are generated in NSF 1.5 compared to 1. 

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