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Topics related to Fluent, CFX, Turbogrid and more.

Change Input File for user defined function in terminal in CFX


    • Christian Berwanger

      I have my Inlet data defined in a csv file and imported it in CFX. However. I do not want to solve the model locally, but on a cluster. Uploading my file on the cluster however changes the directories and thus I do get the error that cfx5solve cannot find the inlet profiles as cfx5solve tries to look for in the wrong directory. 

      I do not have a GUI for the cluster and thus I would like to know how I can change the paths for the inlet user defined function in the terminal of the cluster.

      Any suggestion to solve this? 
      Thanks and kind regards

      Christian Berwanger

    • CFD_Friend
      Ansys Employee

      Hi Christian,

      If you are running a workbench file, then try pasting the input file (inlet profile file) in the user files folder inside the workbench files and point to the location in the CFX Pre location field for input profile. Now if you run this on Cluster, it will take the path automatically.

      Or else if you are running CFX standalone, before copying the def files to cluster, in the CFX Pre, in the location field for the inlet profile just type in the name of the csv file.  Save the def file copy it to the cluster location and then copy and paste the input file in the same folder as the .def file in the cluster. 

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