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3D Design

3D Design

Topics related to Ansys Discovery and Ansys SpaceClaim.

Centrfugal pump preprocessing

    • lokeshk

      I have a solid 3D solid cad model of centrifugal pump that includes both impeller and volute. How should preprocessing be done in ansys spaceclaim 2024R2 to take this cleanup model to the ansys fluent to do the MRF approach sinulations? Give me the step-by-step exact approach for both impeller and volute to create the fluid domain Can you please explain in details only for the fluid flow analysis with no CHT can anyone Give me a detailed explanation for how to do the preprocessing

    • peteroznewman

      Read this Ansys Help page: https://ansyshelp.ansys.com/public/account/secured?returnurl=/Views/Secured/corp/v251/en/flu_th/flu_th_sec_mrf.html

      The basic steps in SpaceClaim are to hide the Impeller and on the Prepare tab, use the Volume Extract button to create the volume body inside the volute. Turn on the impeller and on the Design tab, use the Combine tool subtract the impeller from the volume body to get the total fluid volume. Note that by default the interference solid (identical to the impeller) is created so you must delete that to end up with just two bodies to transfer to Fluent.

      Construct surfaces to split the total fluid volume into two pieces near the half-way point between the outer faces of the impeller and the inside faces of the volute.  Now you have the rotating fluid body and the stationary fluid body.

    • lokeshk

      What should I do if both impeller and volute fluid domains are overlapped with each other?

    • peteroznewman

      If the impeller can rotate, it does not overlap with the volute. Please reply with an image of a cross-section through the axis to show the impeller and volute.

    • lokeshk

      Thanks for the reply. Kindly review the section view

    • lokeshk
      In practical there is no overlap. However once after creating the enclosure region there is a overlap between impeller enclosure and volute fluid domain.
    • peteroznewman

      Construct a solid body by revolving the orange lines below about the axis to divide the total fluid volume into two pieces near the half-way point between the outer faces of the impeller and the inside faces of the volute.  Now you have the rotating fluid body and the stationary fluid body.

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