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BC: outflow or pressure-outlet?

    • kim kyurae

      I am interested in analyzing a rectangular water tank (10, 2, 2) m in size with a water flow. For the inlet, I want to set a velocity_inlet with a flow rate ranging from 0.1 to 0.6 m/s. For hydrostatic pressure, I have set it as follows.

      As far as I know, setting the operating density to zero implements hydrostatic pressure.
      Then, should I select outflow or pressure-outlet for the outlet boundary condition? If pressure-outlet is correct, is there anything additional that needs to be set?


    • Omkar Pawar
      Ansys Employee

      Hi Kim,

      Based on the description, I infer that the current requirement is to setup the case as follow,

      The use of 0 operating density does not directly provide the hydrostatic pressure condition to the solver. It is done so that the correct pressure field could be setup at outlet.

      In your case please use pressure outlet boundary condition. The necessary hydrostatic head at the outlet could be provided through the expression. I have added the snippet below for the same. Please note that the expression would change if the the current mesh position, dimension or the direction of the gravity force is changed. This expression should be hooked at the outlet BC for gauge pressure.

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