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Applying heat on external surface of a cylinder in Rocky

    • f.jalilijamshidian

      Hi. Is it possible to apply constant heat on the external surface of a cylinder (wall) containing particles in Rocky (fluidized bed)?

      Thank you.

    • Lucas Bertollo Baggio
      Ansys Employee



      You can set this heat source in the Fluent .cas file for a 2-way coupled project.

      • f.jalilijamshidian

        Thanks Lucas,

        So is it automatically applied in Rocky? Should not I use any other external modules in Rocky?

        I appreciate that.

        • Lucas Bertollo Baggio
          Ansys Employee

          You just have to Enable Thermal in Study | Physics. No additional modules required. 

        • f.jalilijamshidian

          Thank you so much Lucas.

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