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Ansys showing error and not Starting

    • Muhammad Shoaib

      Whenever I open the workbench, this error is shown and it gets closed

      An unexpected error has occurred: The following required addins could not be loaded: Ans.SceneGraphChart.SceneGraphAddin. The software will exit.
      --- System.AggregateException: The following required addins could not be loaded: Ans.SceneGraphChart.SceneGraphAddin. The software will exit.

      --- System.DllNotFoundException: Unable to load DLL 'SceneGraphChart.Components.dll': The specified module could not be found. (Exception from HRESULT: 0x8007007E)
         at Ans.SceneGraphChart.Engine.Ans_SceneGraph_Bootup(Object p_iConfiguration, Object p_iErrorHandler)
         at Ans.SceneGraphChart.Engine..ctor(IConfiguration p_config, IErrorHandler p_errorHandler)
         at Ans.SceneGraphChart.SceneGraphAddin.Load(AddinLoadContext context)
         at Ansys.Core.Addins.AddinManager.setupAddin(String path, String name, AddinBase addin)
         at Ansys.Core.Addins.AddinManager.LoadAddin(String name, String path)

      Please help me

    • Ashish Khemka
      Forum Moderator


      Please see if the following link helps: Error with workbench SceneGraphChart (


      Ashish Khemka

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