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ANSYS logo Fluent (white box?)

    • IRobin

      Hi all,

      I have a question concerning the ANSYS logo often obtained in the top right corner of a picture/figure. To clearify, I am using a linux based cluster in which I solve transient simulations using Fluent v19.2. At every time-step I create .png contour (velocity/temperature,...) figures. This is done by means of a journal file in which I specify the figure options (something like /display/save-picture test.png, ...)

      I noticed however that the ANSYS logo in the top right is not the way it should be, compared to for instance the CFD-post output.  I have tried to enhance the logo but it seems impossible. Maybe someone can help me? (Note: It is not my intention to completely remove/disable the logo, but merely make it more visible). I provided some figures below:

      For some reason I get the error "Sorry an error occured" when trying to upload a figure. I will try to add figures asap if the problem gets fixed...

      In the figures some sort of white box is created in the top right corner onto which the ANSYS logo is visualized. Because the logo is white by default, it is not visible at all. Changing the logo color to black does make it visible but it still creates the white box around it. This is not desired as it covers a part of the result contour..

      In the end, I would just like to have a visible white logo so without this white box surrounding it.

      Kind regards,


    • Rob
      Forum Moderator

      It's possibly due to the background colour. 

    • IRobin

      Dear rwoolhou,

      I have attached the pictures below. Sorry for the bad quality...

      White logo (top right)

      This is the figure with the white-logo colour option

      This is the figure with the black-logo option.


      Both have this white square like thing around the ANSYS logo, which covers a part of the result (don't mind the contour result its values/colours, it's an arbitrary simulation).

      So you suggest that changing the background colour should help? Could you specify how I can alter the background colour using the TUI?



    • Rob
      Forum Moderator

      Check the image saving options (Save Picture), the problems are usually associated with foreground/background choice. 

    • IRobin

      Excuse my late response but I managed to fix the problem. It was however partially related to the background color. 

      For those who are interested in fixing/removing the logo (I was not able to remove the white box, while maintaining the logo at the same time):


      Go to: Viewing (tab) -> Options -> In Graphics window, set Color scheme to classic -> Apply

      Next, save the picture with a white background (if desired):

      File -> Save picture -> Options -> White background checked -> save

      What it essentially does is that it switches to the 'classic' workbench view settings, i.e. a black background with no logo is created. Next, you want to switch the color to white, in order to clearly see the results (at least in my case).


      If you are using Fluent in batch mode, use the following commands in your journal file (TUI commands):

      /display/set/colors/color-scheme classic

      /display/set/colors/background "white"

      /display/set/windows/axes visible? no        ; This one is optional

      /display/save-picture picture_name.png




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