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Ansys Fluent licensing on a small supercomputer

    • Tom Lehmann

      The school has just received an updated supercomputer system from the manufacturer.  We had Ansys Fluent running on the old machine.  We have a set of licensing servers that serve the super as well as other systems running licensed software.

      I installed Fluent 2024R1 on the new system and configured it to access the central licensing server that contains the Ansys license.  When I attempt to run the application it starts then fails immediately.  The log file for the run contains:

      Connected License Server List:

      Unexpected license problem; exiting.

      The ansyslmd.ini file contains the correct server name and port number.  The license on the server matches what we have downloaded from the Ansys representative and appears to have an expiration date in 2026.

      What other information can I collect to speed debugging this issue?

      Tom Lehmann - ERAU HPC Administrator

    • Rajeshwari Jadhav
      Ansys Employee

      Hi Tom,

      Can you goto %temp% and open file licdebug.*.FLUENT.241 scroll all the way down and send the screenshot.

      Also, are you able to launch other Ansys applications like spaceclaim?

      Goto Ansys Licensing settings from start menu as admin> web shared licensing should be off. 


    • Tom Lehmann



      2024/05/13 17:08:13 INFO Starting Licensing Client Proxy server. 2024/05/13 17:08:13 INFO /apps/spack/opt/spack/linux-rocky8-zen4/gcc-13.2.0/FLUENT_2024R1/ansys_inc/v241/licensingclient/linx64/ansyscl -acl 1830605.26350 -nodaemon -log /root/.ansys/ansyscl.vegaln2.1830605.26350.log 2024/05/13 17:08:13 INFO Started ANSYSLI server. 2024/05/13 17:08:14 CLIENT_CONNECT 2024/05/13 17:08:14 NEW_CONNECTION Connected to Licensing Client Proxy server: 35233@ 2024/05/13 17:08:14 INFO Parent Child context created with id d5d723cd-1f83-4890-8430-ed102e9ca587. 2024/05/13 17:08:14 DENIED cfd_solve_level2 24.1 (2023.1025) 1/0/0/0 Version of vendor daemon is too old. Feature: cfd_solve_level2 License path: FlexNet Licensing error:-83,147

    • Rajeshwari Jadhav
      Ansys Employee

      Hi Tom,

      Please update your Ansys License Manager on the server end to v2023R2.

      Please Note: For 2024 R1 applications, the Ansys License Manager should be of version 2024 R1, 2023 R2 or 2023 R1 with patch on server end, I would recommend you have License Manager of v2024 R1.

      Licensing change: PowerPoint Presentation (

    • Tom Lehmann

      Thank you for the information.  I'll have the team that manages the license servers do the upgrade as soon as possible.

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