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Ansys Design Modeler/Meshing cursor bug on Linux

    • glab17


      I'm expriencing a graphic glitch in Ansys Design Modeler/Meshing: when I load the cad file/mesh and I move my cursor on the geometry, this disappears! i tried updating a lot of different graphical package but the bug persists. I tried also on different machines but nothing changes. I'm using Rocky Linux9.4 with Ansys R23.2 and integrated graphics card (LLVMpipe). It's possibile to solve this issue?

      Thanks in advance!

    • George Karnos
      Ansys Employee

      This may be due to Rocky 9.4 or the Graphics card being unsupported.
      Please see the Supported platforms:
      Platform Support Data: Previous Releases | Ansys

      One item you could try is to start Workbench as follows:

      runwb2 -oglmesa
      • glab17

        Thanks, I already tried with -oglmesa and nothing changes. Is there any other things I can do? Design Modeler uses specific graphical package that may have not installed on my pc?

    • George Karnos
      Ansys Employee

      You can check the Linux installation guide: Section 2.1

      It does has RHEL 9/Rocky 9 listed

      2.1. Required Linux Libraries and Packages by Product
      Check all the libraries listed in all the tables.

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