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Topics related to Fluent, CFX, Turbogrid and more.

Airfoil pressure coefficient

    • Aras karimi

      Hi to all,

      I am simulating a 3D airfoil whose span length is 1 meter. Now I want to draw the pressure coefficient of the wing at Z=0.5m , that is, exactly in the middle of the wing span.

      I was able to plot the pressure coefficient on the whole wing from the   Plots -->> X-Y Plot   section in Fluent. But I exactly want to plot the pressure coefficient distribution in the middle of the wing span.

      I appreciate any help.


    • Federico
      Ansys Employee

      Hello Aras, 

      You can create an iso-surface using Z=0.5m from the surface corresponding to your Airfoil boundary. You can then use this iso-surface to XY plot the pressure coefficient.

      • Aras karimi

        I managed to draw it for the steady state flow. But I am confused to draw it in transient flow.

        I am doing a transient simulation. Now I stopped the solution now to plot the pressure coefficient distribution on the wing.

        Can I draw the pressure coefficient diagram from the section   Plots -->> X-Y Plot   as in steady flow mode or should I activate the   Data Sampling For Steady Statistics   option and continue the simulation?

        I would be grateful if you could tell me how to output the distribution of the pressure coefficient in transient simulation mode.

    • Federico
      Ansys Employee

      Hello Aras, 

      if you're doing the proposed method above after stopping the transient solution, you will get a snapshot of the pressure coefficient at the current flow time. 

      With Data sampling, you can get a time-averaged cp for the duration of the sampling period.

      • Aras karimi

        Well, now I have stopped solving transit. I activated the Data Sampling option and continue to solve for 3 harmonic oscillation periods, which is equal to 500 time steps. Now let's assume that the solution is finished.

        Now, to draw the time-averaged pressure coefficient, should I go to the same   Plots -->> X-Y Plot   in Fluent or should I do something else?

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