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acoustic structure coupling

    • wissem chakchouk

      I want to do a coupling acoustic structure coupling in ls dyna but is not worked.

      I used Boundary_Acoustic_Coupling also Boundary_Acoustic_Coupling_MISMATECH but not worked do you have any idea what is missing ???

    • Ushnish Basu
      Ansys Employee

      We cannot comment on specific issues with your model, but I would suggest that you look at the descriptions under BOUNDARY_ACOUSTIC_COUPLING, and in Appendix W in the manual.

    • wissem chakchouk
      **** I want to do a coupling between the part blue which is a structure meduim and the red part which is the fluid meduim which we supposed our acoustic meduim. I used BOUNDARY_ACOUSTIC_COUPLING also Boundary_Acoustic_Coupling_MISMATECH I select the structure interface but it's not worked.
      ****I want to share the nodes for these two parts (blue and red), which options I can use Contact_surface_to_surface or Contact_node_to_surface and what is the difference between them in the results.
      ****Also, I have no idea how to change the settings of this module and what the main settings are(These settings as it shows is by default).
      Thank you in advance.
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