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Get ultimate strength value from simulation

    • yannic.j.gagnon.civ


      I am doing a simulation of a tensile test of a rectangular unidirectional carbon fiber composite. I am pulling one end of the rectangular piece and fixing the other end. I know how to get stress/strain and inverse reserve factor in the solution. What I would like to know is the strength of the composite; that is, the stress at which the composite fails. Another way to frame the question is that I would like to know the stress the moment the inverse reserve factor becomes greater than 1. How can I get this? 

      Thanks in advance.

    • Ashish Khemka
      Forum Moderator


      Please see if the following forum thread helps you: Evaluate failure in composite specimen


      Ashish Khemka

    • yannic.j.gagnon.civ

      Thanks for the link. That person is dealing with a similar situation. Their approach is a little different from mine though. Maybe another way to solve my problem is: is there a way to plot the inverse reserve factor as a function of time or simulation step? This can be done with a different property like max stress but when I try to make a plot of the IRF only a single datapoint shows up.

    • Ashish Khemka
      Forum Moderator


      I think you can choose the time:

      7.5. Post-Processing


      Ashish Khemka

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