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noise generation of two-phase (gas/water) flow in the pipe

    • jingyuliu


      I am planning to simulate noise generation caused by fluid flow through a pipe with a leakage using ANSYS Fluent. For this simulation, I intend to utilize the Computational Aeroacoustics (CAA) method. It is crucial for the model to accommodate compressible fluid dynamics for both gas and water to capture accurate acoustic behavior.

      Could you please confirm if ANSYS Fluent supports simulations involving compressible fluids for both gas and water in the context of CAA? This capability is essential for the success of my project.

      Thank you for your assistance.

      Jingyu Liu


    • Rob
      Forum Moderator

      Fluent can solve for compressible gas and liquid. However acoustics and multiphase may well need further investigation: what causes the noise? 

    • jingyuliu


      Thanks for your reply. I am modeling the fluid flow through a leakage of the pipe. The noise is from the turbulence of gas/water liquid


    • Rob
      Forum Moderator

      Are you then looking at a coherent water jet, spray or something else? 

    • jingyuliu

      I focus on the gas and water flow in a pipe with a leakage (the geometry are shown the image). I only care about multiphase flow in such a fluid domain.

    • Rob
      Forum Moderator

      I think you may need to review the basic solver and then multiphase modelling approaches before looking at acoustics. I'm even sure the above will give you a good single phase result. 

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