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How to set reference temperature in multi phase flow simulation?

    • matus


      I am working on a transient boiling heat transfer problem on a vertical pipe. The saturation temperature in my case is 580K and calculated standard state enthalpy is 2.41e7.

      should I use 580 k in the reference temperature value in material property tab of liquid and vapour

    • Amine Ben Hadj Ali
      Ansys Employee

      Yes set the saturation temperature as reference temperature for material and adjust the material properties to reflect that.

    • afrozalam

      I am simulating the plate heat exchnager with one coolant (water) is flowing over a flat plate with inlet temperature 282K and outlet temperature as 286K. and other fluid (refrigeratnt)  which is evaporating on the other side of the plate with inlt temp 277.31k and outelet temperature 282.15k. the evaporation temp (dew) is given as 277.15k. May i know the saturation temperaure should be set as evapration (dew) point tmeperaure.?




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