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A rigid body motion error occurred during FSI on a micrometer-scale capsule.

    • hjhjrh

      I performed FSI modeling under the conditions shown in the attached image. However, various errors keep occurring during the solving process.

      I suspect that the issue might be related to deleting the deformation wall set as an interface in Fluent. However, if this interface is not deleted, the FSI setup cannot proceed at all. If there are alternative solutions, please let me know.

      When I reviewed the solved portion in ANSYS Mechanical, the object underwent rigid body motion before encountering an error. According to the experiment, the object should transform into a bullet shape. Additionally, the solving process takes excessively long. I would greatly appreciate your assistance. Thank you.

    • Rahul
      Ansys Employee

      Could you please share the error? Is it appearing in Fluent/Mechanical?


    • hjhjrh

      Sorry about that. It was just because the time step size was too large. Reducing it to 1E-09 seconds solved the issue. However, could you recommend a way to speed up the calculation? The time step size is too small, so it takes too long to observe the desired changes. Thank you.

    • Rahul
      Ansys Employee

      It is transient and you are using such a small value of time step, so you can expect it to take longer. But still choosing an appropriate time step and keeping the maximum iteration limit low to improve simulation robustness and speed. Keeping the Ansys version up to date for optimal speed and performance, and ensuring not to use too many cores to avoid performance penalties.

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