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Fluent Help – Maybe import or geometry

    • jc47948

      I am trying to run water through a normal spiral static mixer I modelled in sw (elements with cylinder for flow domain) and my velocity streamline is just going right through my elements. I made them solid in setup. Can anyone help me? I can't figure out what's wrong.

      I am importing as a .STEP file from Solidworks, where is where I will need to import other geometries from when I can handle the basic spiral mixer. I have tried subtract Boolean and making it a solid. The mixing elements keep going to my Cell Zone Condition with flow domain, so I made them a wall there. Nothing works and I cannot remove them from my Cell Zone.

    • Rob
      Forum Moderator

      The velocity may be a bit low to get much swirl, but do a mesh display of the walls. What can you see? If you give the baffle a unique named selection (wall-baffle is good choice, wall-eric is less useful) does that come through into Meshing? 

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