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Injection-Specific particle tracking in ANSYS Fluent for Discrete Phase Model

    • sameerkumarverma1105

      Hello all,

      I have conducted a particle simulation in ANSYS using the discrete phase model, where all particles were injected in a single run (injection 1, injection 2, etc.). Now, while calculating deposition efficiency (percentage of particle deposition in different zones)., I am unable to determine how much particle is deposited to each specific injection.The image is attached herewith for the perusal. In the image, zone-wise deposition is not depicted. Could anyone please clarify? 

      Thank you!

    • Rob
      Forum Moderator

      Is this steady state or transient? 

    • Rob
      Forum Moderator

      https://innovationspace.ansys.com/knowledge/forums/topic/where-did-my-particles-go/  might be what you're after too. 

    • sameerkumarverma1105

      Thank you for the reply. It is a transient simulation.

    • Rob
      Forum Moderator

      In which case you may need DPM out files and process those - they'll have injection ID along with arrival time at the surface. 

    • sameerkumarverma1105

      From where can I get dpm out files. Could you please clarify?

    • Rob
      Forum Moderator

      DPM Summary. 

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