General Mechanical

General Mechanical

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How to create the misalignment in coupling

    • chandrunresearch

      I want to create parallel and angular misalignment in the coupling in a rotor-bearing system. Is there any possibility to create in Ansys 

    • dlooman
      Ansys Employee

      No, there's no feature for that.  The misalignment needs to created in the geometry.  Also, WB/Mechanical only supports a single rotational velocity.  You can't scope rotational velocity to a body.  

    • chandrunresearch

      Thanks a lot Mr. dlooman.

    • chandrunresearch

      Suppose if we create parallel or angular misalignment at coupling in geometry itself, then ansys will exactly solve for the results considering misalignment. Whether Ansys WB or APDL, which will be suitable for these types of problems.  

    • dlooman
      Ansys Employee

      You'll need APDL to input cmomega for multiple rotors.  Mechanical only supports a single angular velocity on all bodies.

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