General Mechanical

General Mechanical

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Prestressed substructure generation

    • Clarkt

      Hi everyone,

      I am trying to perform a substructure generation using the option to include pre-stress environment from a static structural analysis. I get an error saying that Lagrange Multiplier formulation has been used somewhere in the model and therefore condensation is not possible. However, this error disappears when turning off the pre-stress option without changing anything else and the condensation runs successfully.

      My model is complex and consists of fixed bushing with MPC formulation as well as MATRIX27 elements. I have ensured that all remote points etc use MPC formulation and loads are applied using those same remote points. There are no contacts in the model, only shared topology.

      Right now I can not think of anything that could cause the introduction of Lagrange multipliers and hinder the condensation.

      Any ideas?

      P.S. I am using the 2024 R2 ANSYS release

    • harshvardhan.negi
      Ansys Employee

      May I suggest going through the listed limitations of the substructure generation and see if you can find any points that may lead to this error. Limitations

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