General Mechanical

General Mechanical

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Structural Analysis of a Rocket Fairing

    • elaouadzyad

      Hello everyone, I am currently working on a hybrid rocket with my university club. I need to undertake the strength and bending stress analysis of a fairing. However, I do not know how to mesh this 3D body properly and all the steps for my goal.

      The fairing was designed on Fusion360.

      Thank you for your help!

    • mohan.urs
      Ansys Employee
    • Dennis Chen


      You can also turn on the mesh worksheet.   An awesome recent update allow you to view which elements failed which criteria.   the mesh quality worksheet is under the mesh tab, and look at top right (you can also use the search function on top right corner of the GUI).   If this is indeed a memory issue, then reduce mesh sizing first and give that a try and then use the worksheet to selectively adjust your mesh setting to resolve the failed elements. 


    • elaouadzyad

      Okay, guys do you know why I get the error "Invalid body with zero volume"?

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