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How to get Normalized Mean Streamwise Velocity ?

    • handy.hasym

      Hello everyone, i'm new in Ansys.

      I have problem, how to get result Normolized Mean Streamwise Velocity in Ansys Fluent ?

      Thank You

    • Rob
      Forum Moderator

      You can get velocity data using surface integrals. If you want to normalise you could use an expression to do this but it may be easier to get the raw data from Fluent to do any calculations in Excel or the like. 

    • handy.hasym

      Thanks Rob for the reply.

      So, I need to calculate it manually? 

    • Rob
      Forum Moderator

      Yes, we can get averages from the reports, but to normalise you need a number to normalise against. Expressions might let you do that but given the rate of change in that functionality you may need to exercise care in what/how it's coded. 

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