TAGGED: dynamic-mesh
September 13, 2024 at 7:53 am
Audy Maulizar
SubscriberDear all,Â
I would like to ask for help regarding the dynamic simulation of vortex-induced oscillation on a bridge deck as shown below.
I use the 6DOF solver to calculate displacements of the bridge deck due to the aerodynamic forces and for that I've assigned the properties using a UDF with the DEFINE_SDOF_PROPERTIES function since I want to introduce damping to my model. For the UDF, I used codes shown in https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=7MeHvOrXl8g&t=522s as a reference with some modifications to fit with my case study. My UDF source code is outlined as follows:
#include "udf.h"
#include "dynamesh_tools.h"FILE *fout;
DEFINE_SDOF_PROPERTIES(bridge_motion_standard, prop, dt, time, dtime)
  Thread *t;
  Domain *d = Get_Domain(1);
  /*real x_cg[3], force[3], moment[3];*/
  real pos_x, pos_y, pos_theta;
  real cg_x = 0; /*center of gravity x*/
  real cg_y = -0.025; /*center of gravity y*/
  real defo_x, defo_y, rot_z; /*displacement variables*/
  real vel_x, vel_y, rot_vel; /*velocity variable*/
  real Fx, Fy, Mz; /*force*/
  real mass = 33.75; /*bridge deck model*/
  real mom_inertia = 1.73; /*moment inertia*/
  real fh = 9.5; /*heave frequency in Hz*/
  real ft = 20.0; /*torsion frequency in Hz*/
  real fd = 0.8*fh; /*drag frequency in Hz*/
  /*natural frequencies in rad/s*/
  real wh = 2*M_PI*fh;
  real wt = 2*M_PI*ft;
  real wd = 2*M_PI*fd;
  real zeta = 0.005; /*damping ratio*/
  /*stiffness calculation*/
  real kh = mass*wh*wh;
  real kt = mom_inertia*wt*wt;
  real kd = mass*wd*wd;
  /*damping coefficient calculation*/
  real ch = 2*mass*wh*zeta;
  real ct = 2*mom_inertia*wt*zeta;
  real cd = 2*mass*wd*zeta;
  t = DT_THREAD(dt);
    prop[SDOF_MASS] = mass; /* total mass:total length*/
    prop[SDOF_IZZ] = mom_inertia; /*mass moment inertia*/
    prop[SDOF_ZERO_ROT_X] = TRUE;
    prop[SDOF_ZERO_ROT_Y] = TRUE;
    prop[SDOF_ZERO_ROT_Z] = FALSE;
    pos_x = (DT_CG(dt)[0]);
    pos_y = (DT_CG(dt)[1]);
    pos_theta = (DT_THETA(dt)[2]*M_PI/180);
    /*deformation calculation*/
    defo_x = pos_x - cg_x;
    defo_y = pos_y - cg_y;
    rot_z = pos_theta;
    vel_x = (DT_VEL_CG(dt)[0]);
    vel_y = (DT_VEL_CG(dt)[1]);
    rot_vel = (DT_OMEGA_CG(dt)[2]);
    /*spring force and damping force calculation*/
    prop[SDOF_LOAD_F_X] = -kd*defo_x - cd*vel_x;
    prop[SDOF_LOAD_F_Y] = -kh*defo_y - ch*vel_y;
    prop[SDOF_LOAD_M_Z] = -kt*rot_z - ct*rot_vel;
    /*results writing to txt files*/
    fout = fopen("displacement_results.txt", "a");Â
    fprintf(fout, "%g %f %f %f \n", time, defo_x, defo_y, rot_z);
    fclose(fout);    fout = fopen("velocity_results.txt", "a");
    fprintf(fout, "%g %f %f %f \n", time, vel_x, vel_y, rot_vel);
    fclose(fout);    fout = fopen("acceleration_results.txt", "a");
    fprintf(fout, "%g %f %f %f \n", time, DT_ACC_CG(dt)[0], DT_ACC_CG(dt)[1], DT_ALPHA_CG(dt)[2]);
I have tried compiling and hooking the UDF and there was no problem with that process, however the analysis results showed that the lift-forces and the displacements of the bridge deck increasing continuously instead of reaching a steady-state condition as predicted by other papers related to VIV on a bridge deck. It just seemed like the resistance forces from spring and damping did not exist. Does anybody have any idea what the problem is? I am afraid that FLUENT somehow was not able to read my UDF and it just ended up getting ignored by the program, but I am not sure.
September 13, 2024 at 9:24 am
Forum ModeratorI'm not going to debug the code, but you may find posting the vel_x, defo_x etc to UDMs to be helpful. That'll show if the data is there or not.Â
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