General Mechanical

General Mechanical

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Convergence Issue in Custom Non-Linear Materials

    • Akanksha Pragya

      Hi all,

      I am trying to see strain distribution in a tapered rod with four sections (see image). I fed the mechanical stress-strain data for each of the four sections the "engineering data" section. The structure is made in Spaceclaim as 4 different frustums sketched drawn along the same axis and then, "aligned" using the arrangement tool. 

      When I try to map the deformation in this structure (defined a fixed support and deformation direction), these are errors I am getting:

      1. An error occurred when the post processor attempted to load a specific result. Please review all messages, or
      2. the reference convergence value may be less than the threshold, you can overwrite the minimum reference value by specifying it under nonlinear controls of analysis settings.

      I tried adjusting the tolerance value and decreasing the minimum reference (for displacement convergence) in the Analysis Setting (image below) but nothing worked. Any help will be helpful:)


    • peteroznewman

      I suggest you delete all output requests in the Solution branch of the outline.

      Under Analysis Settings, Nonlinear Controls, set the Displacement Convergence back to Program Controlled.

      Please show all the Analysis Settings you have. Do you have Auto Time Stepping On?  If not, turn it on.  What do you have for Inital and Minimum Substeps?  Try a value of 10 and 10. Do you have Large Deflection On?  Turn it on.

      Please show details of how you used material stress-strain data in Engineering Data.

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