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Trimming an imported coordinate aerofoil

    • Tom Davies


      I would like to be able to trim an imported Aerofoil, so i can place a cylinder at the leading edge. However as it isn't a sketch I've created, i cannot seem to trim it. Any suggestions?

    • Nilay Pedram
      Forum Moderator

      Hello, what application are you using?

    • Tom Davies

      Fluent within Workbench

    • Nilay Pedram
      Forum Moderator

      Can you please provide more details on the question? 
      What file are you importing in Fluent? Are you trying to trim the geometry in Fluent?

      • Tom Davies

        Hi, i am importing a 2d aerofoil from some coorindates into workbench geometry. I am then creating a sketch so i can draw a circle, and then want to trim the imported aerofoil. 

    • Nilay Pedram
      Forum Moderator

      Okay. So after importing the geometry into Workbench geometry you can open/edit it using Ansys Discovery. There you can easily trim the geometry and sketch new shapes according to your requirements.  

      • Tom Davies

        Ive opened up discovery from workbench but cannot see my geometry. Should it just appear?

    • Tom Davies

      Thank you, i shall try this.

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