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Decomposition of CO2 molecules – species transport or multiphase model?

    • buksa
    • Rob
      Forum Moderator

      Does CO2 decompose to miscible fluids (gases) or immicible materials (carbon solid & oxygen)? 

    • buksa


      Hello. My point is to observe the settling of PM2.5 dust

    • Rob
      Forum Moderator

      If you want to see separation like that you'll need a multiphase model, although there is a scalar option that's been published for work on waste water treatment (clarifiers). I can only share "public" information so you'll need to find the paper as it's pre-internet..... Well, pre-most of the internet! 

      For multiphase you can probably use Mixture or Eulerian. You now need to decide if you want to include chemistry or just add in the solid phase using a source term. Ie how complicated do you want to make it? Read up on the models and come back with some ideas with the next lot of questions. 


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