February 5, 2024 at 2:29 pm
February 6, 2024 at 3:29 pmAniketForum Moderator
Hi, why you do not want to use external data? If you have a CSV file in a different format, you can easily automate modifications required to it so that it will be compatible with external data.
February 6, 2024 at 4:35 pmDayana BehrensSubscriber
I want to import multiple extern csv-s in Mechanical (about 100k). I saw a tutorial (code is below; source: https://www.linkedin.com/pulse/script-tip-friday-automate-imported-loads-set-up-/). It works, but i have x,y and z components of the pressure. He only imports one component (normal stress). The problem is not in Workbench or external data. It is in Mechanical when I need to define the table with the pressure (as normal stress or with the 3 components) (see picture, sorry it is in german). I have too many cvs-s to do it manually for every csv. I hope this is clear.
Thank you very much
The full code:
import glob import os import re template1 = GetTemplate(TemplateName="External Data") system1 = template1.CreateSystem() setup1 = system1.GetContainer(ComponentName="Setup")
####------------------------------------------------------------------------- #Inputs: Setting up External Data DataPath = r"D:\AutomateExternalLoadImport_Generic\lotsofdata" DataExtension = "txt" DelimiterIs = "Tab" #Tab --> "Tab", Space --> "Space" DelimiterStringIs = r"\t" #Tab --> r"\t", Space --> r" " StartImportAtLine = 2 LengthUnit = "mm" PressureUnit = "MPa" #Inputs: Sys ID of the Mechanical System - When you click on Blue bar with name "Static Structural" of a static structural system, you should see the System ID property on the right in the Properties Window system_id = "SYS 2" #Inputs: Setting up the Imported Pressures namedSelectionUsed = "Pressure_Face"
allfiles = glob.glob1(DataPath,"*." + DataExtension) allfiles.sort(key=lambda f: int(''.join(filter(str.isdigit, f)))) numfilestoload = len(allfiles) for i in range(numfilestoload): filenum = i+1 completefilepath = os.path.join(DataPath,allfiles[i]) externalLoadFileData = setup1.AddDataFile(FilePath=completefilepath) if i == 0: externalLoadFileData.SetAsMaster(Master=True) externalLoadFileDataProperty1 = externalLoadFileData.GetDataProperty() externalLoadFileData.SetStartImportAtLine( FileDataProperty=externalLoadFileDataProperty1, LineNumber=StartImportAtLine) externalLoadFileData.SetDelimiterType( FileDataProperty=externalLoadFileDataProperty1, Delimiter=DelimiterIs, DelimiterString=DelimiterStringIs) externalLoadFileDataProperty1.SetLengthUnit(Unit=LengthUnit) externalLoadColumnData1 = externalLoadFileDataProperty1.GetColumnData(Name="ExternalLoadColumnData") externalLoadFileDataProperty1.SetColumnDataType( ColumnData=externalLoadColumnData1, DataType="X Coordinate") externalLoadColumnData2 = externalLoadFileDataProperty1.GetColumnData(Name="ExternalLoadColumnData 1") externalLoadFileDataProperty1.SetColumnDataType( ColumnData=externalLoadColumnData2, DataType="Y Coordinate") externalLoadColumnData3 = externalLoadFileDataProperty1.GetColumnData(Name="ExternalLoadColumnData 2") externalLoadFileDataProperty1.SetColumnDataType( ColumnData=externalLoadColumnData3, DataType="Z Coordinate") externalLoadColumnData4 = externalLoadFileDataProperty1.GetColumnData(Name="ExternalLoadColumnData 3") externalLoadFileDataProperty1.SetColumnDataType( ColumnData=externalLoadColumnData4, DataType="Pressure") externalLoadColumnData4.Unit = PressureUnit externalLoadColumnData4.Identifier = allfiles[i] #Setting up rest of the files timecounter = 1 columncounter = 3 numfiles = len(setup1.GetExternalLoadData().FilesData) for filecounter in range(numfiles-1): DataFile = setup1.GetExternalLoadData().FilesData[filecounter+1] DataProp = DataFile.GetDataProperty() DataFile.SetStartImportAtLine( FileDataProperty=DataProp, LineNumber=StartImportAtLine) DataFile.SetDelimiterType( FileDataProperty=DataProp, Delimiter=DelimiterIs, DelimiterString=DelimiterStringIs) if filecounter == 0: columncounter = numfiles+5 else: columncounter += 3 DataColumn = DataProp.GetColumnData(Name="ExternalLoadColumnData " + str(columncounter)) DataProp.SetColumnDataType( ColumnData=DataColumn, DataType="Pressure") DataColumn.Unit = PressureUnit timecounter += 1 DataColumn.Identifier = allfiles[filecounter+1] #Mechanical System system2 = GetSystem(Name=system_id) #Connect External Data to Set up of Mechanical setupComponent2 = system2.GetComponent(Name="Setup") setup2 = system2.GetContainer(ComponentName="Setup") setupComponent1 = system1.GetComponent(Name="Setup") setupComponent1.TransferData(TargetComponent=setupComponent2) setupComponent1.Update(AllDependencies=True) setupComponent2.Refresh() setup2.Edit() systemName = system2.DisplayText mechScriptCmds=""" wbAnalysisName = '{3}' for item in ExtAPI.DataModel.AnalysisList: if item.SystemCaption == wbAnalysisName: analysis = item mycaption = analysis.SystemCaption ExtAPI.Log.WriteMessage(mycaption) with Transaction(): import glob import os DataPath = r'{0}' DataExtension = '{1}' allfiles = glob.glob1(DataPath,"*." + DataExtension) allfiles.sort(key=lambda f: int(''.join(filter(str.isdigit, f)))) numfilestoload = len(allfiles) importedloadobjects = [child for child in analysis.Children if child.DataModelObjectCategory.ToString() == "ImportedLoadGroup"] usedimportedloadobj = importedloadobjects[-1] importedPres = usedimportedloadobj.AddImportedPressure() namedsel_importedload = ExtAPI.DataModel.GetObjectsByName('{2}')[0] importedPres.Location = namedsel_importedload table = importedPres.GetTableByName("") for i in range(numfilestoload-1): table.Add(None) for i in range(numfilestoload): table[i][0] = "File"+str(i+1)+":"+str(allfiles[i]) table[i][1] = (i+1)*100 importedPres.ImportLoad() """.format(DataPath,DataExtension,namedSelectionUsed,systemName) model2 = system2.GetContainer(ComponentName="Model") model2.SendCommand(Language="Python", Command=mechScriptCmds) -
February 7, 2024 at 1:46 ammjmiddleAnsys Employee
You should be able to do most of if by studying and modifying the script you attached. You'll need to add two pressure data columns in the External Data, so that its just copying the code a couple times and changing a name.
For the code sent to Mechanical, you'll need this to change the pressure from the default "Normal to" to "Components:
DefineByProp = importedPres.PropertyByName('PROPID_DefineByType')
DefineByProp = 0 # 0="Components", 2="Normal To"Then, you'll have another two columns of data, so use a couple more indices in the table:
for i in range(numfilestoload):
table[i][0] = "File"+str(i+1)+":"+str(allfiles[i])
table[i][1] = "File"+str(i+2)+":"+str(allfiles[i+1])
table[i][2] = "File"+str(i+3)+":"+str(allfiles[i+2])
table[i][3] = (i+1)*100This method assumes you have a separate file for each X,Y,Z component of pressure.
February 7, 2024 at 3:45 pmDayana BehrensSubscriber
thank you for your support.
The first part works, but I still cannot change the components of the pressure. When I try to add it to the code like that:
mechScriptCmds=""" wbAnalysisName = '{3}' for item in ExtAPI.DataModel.AnalysisList: if item.SystemCaption == wbAnalysisName: analysis = item mycaption = analysis.SystemCaption ExtAPI.Log.WriteMessage(mycaption) with Transaction(): import glob import os DataPath = r'{0}' DataExtension = '{1}' allfiles = glob.glob1(DataPath,"*." + DataExtension) allfiles.sort(key=lambda f: int(''.join(filter(str.isdigit, f)))) numfilestoload = len(allfiles) importedloadobjects = [child for child in analysis.Children if child.DataModelObjectCategory.ToString() == "ImportedLoadGroup"] usedimportedloadobj = importedloadobjects[-1] importedPres = usedimportedloadobj.AddImportedPressure()
DefineByProp = importedPres.PropertyByName('PROPID_DefineByType')
DefineByProp = 0 # 0="Components", 2="Normal To"
namedsel_importedload = ExtAPI.DataModel.GetObjectsByName('{2}')[0] importedPres.Location = namedsel_importedload table = importedPres.GetTableByName("") for i in range(numfilestoload-1): table.Add(None) for i in range(numfilestoload): table[i][0] = "File"+str(i+1)+":"+str(allfiles[i])
table[i][1] = "File"+str(i+2)+":"+str(allfiles[i+1])
table[i][2] = "File"+str(i+3)+":"+str(allfiles[i+2])
table[i][3] = (i+1)*100
importedPres.ImportLoad() """.format(DataPath,DataExtension,namedSelectionUsed,systemName) model2 = system2.GetContainer(ComponentName="Model") model2.SendCommand(Language="Python", Command=mechScriptCmds)When I run it nothing happens. I have of course tried several writing variations, but it doesn’t work. The components are apparently not turned on and therefore no further columns are created.
I also tried it like that, but it also doesnt work… I have seen this spelling several times, but never for imported pressure
ImportedPres.DefineBy = LoadDefineBy.Components
Best regards
February 8, 2024 at 1:01 ammjmiddleAnsys Employee
Sorry, I had a typo in my previous post. This is how you set to Components:
DefineByProp = importedPres.PropertyByName('PROPID_DefineByType')
DefineByProp.InternalValue = 0 # 0="Components", 2="Normal To"And you'll need to place the importedPres.ImportLoad() outside (and after) of the "with Transaction():" block of code.
February 8, 2024 at 2:11 pmDayana BehrensSubscriber
thank you very much. That works!
I probably need to contact the author of the code because I can't import the pressure...
Everything looks good. However, it doesn't work, not even manually. I get an error message every time I try to import the pressure, but it contains nothing. The yellow flash turns red. ????
If I click on all components ( pressure_x, pressure_y and pressure_z) manually again and select them, it works.
It is not due to the components. It does not work with normal pressure either.
The project is a bit crazy by now... I can understand if you can't help me any further ????The last part of the code looks like that am:
wbAnalysisName = '{3}'
for item in ExtAPI.DataModel.AnalysisList:
if item.SystemCaption == wbAnalysisName:
analysis = item
mycaption = analysis.SystemCaption
with Transaction():
import glob
import os
DataPath = r'{0}'
DataExtension = '{1}'
allfiles = glob.glob1(DataPath,"*." + DataExtension)
allfiles.sort(key=lambda f: int(''.join(filter(str.isdigit, f))))
numfilestoload = len(allfiles)
importedloadobjects = [child for child in analysis.Children if child.DataModelObjectCategory.ToString() == "ImportedLoadGroup"]
usedimportedloadobj = importedloadobjects[-1]
importedPres = usedimportedloadobj.AddImportedPressure()
DefineByProp = importedPres.PropertyByName('PROPID_DefineByType')
DefineByProp.InternalValue = 0 # 0="Components", 2="Normal To"
namedsel_importedload = ExtAPI.DataModel.GetObjectsByName('{2}')[0]
importedPres.Location = namedsel_importedload
table = importedPres.GetTableByName("")
for i in range(numfilestoload-1):
for i in range(numfilestoload):
table[i][0] = "File"+str(i+1)+":"+str(allfiles[i])+"_x"
table[i][1] = "File"+str(i+1)+":"+str(allfiles[i])+"_y"
table[i][2] = "File"+str(i+1)+":"+str(allfiles[i])+"_z"
table[i][3] = (i+1)
model2 = system2.GetContainer(ComponentName="Model")
model2.SendCommand(Language="Python", Command=mechScriptCmds) -
February 9, 2024 at 1:48 ammjmiddleAnsys Employee
I noticed that when I tested the commands that set the pressure components the GUI does not update display until you click away from the pressure on another object, then back on the pressure. Run your code by entering it one line at a time as a means to debug. You can just use the first iteration of your “for” loop that sets the pressure xyz components. Just after you execute the lines that sets these components click on a different Outline object and back on the pressure load to see if it shows the components set.
February 9, 2024 at 11:18 amDayana BehrensSubscriber
thank you very very much for your help.
It looks the same for me. Nevertheless, the pressure cannot be imported, unless I manually click on the pressure in each row in the table and select it again from the drop down menu. ????
It seems to me that Mechanical does not recognize the information in the fields. For example, when I click on the x-component, the y- and z-components turn yellow. This is what it looks like if you have not yet assigned any information to the component. Although the yellow flash indicates that there should be some input and that the fields are not empty. Perhaps it is simply bugged and cannot work like this. ????
February 9, 2024 at 8:15 pmmjmiddleAnsys Employee
Maybe you are using an old version. I had tested in 2023 R2.
February 9, 2024 at 8:38 pmmjmiddleAnsys Employee
I had seen in some older versions of Mechanical that it needs to graphically update the change to components before the script could enter the values. So try do the Mechanical commands outside the "with Transaction():" block.
If that doesn't work place these commands at the beginning of the Mechanical commands:
from Ansys.Common.WB1ManagedUtils import TestHelperThen just after the commands I gave you to set to component entry type, give the application a wait for 0.5 sec or maybe more to let the graphics update:
For "ms" test different values to see what works. Try 500 ms, or all the way to 3 seconds (3000).
You can't use the regular python sleep command or most other wait methods, because it will pause entire application.
February 12, 2024 at 4:20 pmDayana BehrensSubscriber
thank you very much.
I solved the problem. It was releated to the german version of Ansys:
table[i][0] = "File"+str(i+1)+":"+str(allfiles[i])+"_x"; It was using "Datei" (german for file) and not "File". After changing the language it worked. Suprisigly it worked for all other german commands...
Anyway, I am just on step ahead of my workflow. I want to export an stl after the solution: For that I modified parts of your script with your online help:
setting2d= Ansys.Mechanical.Graphics.GraphicsImageExportSettings()
setting3d = Ansys.Mechanical.Graphics.Graphics3DExportSettings()
FOLDER_PATH = 'C:\Users\dbehrens\Desktop'
Graphics.ExportImage(FOLDER_PATH+'\\DEF7.png', GraphicsImageExportFormat.PNG, setting2d)
Graphics.Export3D(FOLDER_PATH+'\\test.stl', Graphics3DExportFormat.BinarySTL, setting3d)
result = SOLUTION.Children[1]
model3 = system2.GetContainer("Solution")
model3.SendCommand(Language="Python", Command=commands)Both options doesnt work in this script, but they work in the mechanical scripting window or in shell. Any ideas to fix that?
Thank you so much ????
February 12, 2024 at 11:22 pmmjmiddleAnsys Employee
We like to keep forum posts as close to one subject as possible. It makes for sensible lookup of a topic for other users of the forum, when posts have a soluton. Long run-on posts that change to many topics are confusing when people try to find solutions in previous posts. Since this is an unrelated question, please create a new post for this.
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