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Writing the calculated value in DPM_SCALAR_UPDATE to file

    • majam


      I have a multiphase (multi-species) gas-liquid eulerian flow and I want to use DPM for using massless-particles as a separate phase and record the concentrations that particles pass through (if we consider particles as microorganisms) of several species(substrate and O2) in the Eulerian liquid phase in their path.

      I am trying to calculate the concentrations of 2 species in the cells where a particle exists (through macro DEFINE_DPM_SCALAR_UPDATE) and store them in a variable (P_USER_REAL(p,0) = (C_YI(c,pt[0],0)/180)*998.2;   Cmole=P_USER_REAL(p,0);) and then use (DEFINE_EXECUTE_AT_END) to write these values in each time step into a file with:

       fyleS = fopen("FileS.out","a");

      fprintf( fyleS,"%e \n",Cmole) 

      for each particle, there should be two concentrations. I have 100 particles, but in each time step it only writes 3 values (which is still 3 values when I have only one particle)

      Can anyone help me with this?


    • Rob
      Forum Moderator

      What are the three values? 

    • majam

      It is three concentrations, which I think depends on the fact that the parcels' time step is different from the simulation time step, it reports the three concentrations in the cells parcel visits in its path.

      But still, I can not store the same information for all the parcels. I mean writin gall the concentrations of the cells that all the parcels visit in their paths.

      Can anyone help me with this?

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