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Temperature profile changing after mesh adaption.

    • raju.chowdhury
      I am developing a model to simulate a liquid drop falling on a plate. I am applying adaption mesh technique in a certain region to produce fine mesh. After adaption, at the boarder of preveous mesh and adapted mesh, a region is showing temperature which is not being assigned anywhere of the model. Please see the attached image. First one is before adaption mesh where correct temperature can be seen in the legend. Second one (after adaption) showing the temperature 149K in the circled regeion which can also be seen in the temperature legend. What could be the reason for this weird temperature profile?

      Note: The temperature legend is showing just after the initialisation.

    • Rob
      Forum Moderator
      Re-plot with node values off.  It may be graphical. Have you iterated after adapting? 
    • raju.chowdhury


      After node values off, correct temperature is showing. I have iterated after adapting. When node values on, still showing the 149K. Just wondering if it affects my solution.

      Another concern is - after iteration, if I plot/export the nodal solution, probably it will show the wrong results.

      Are there any specific reason for it? How to get rid of from this problem.


    • Rob
      Forum Moderator

      If you check the other flow fields does anything else look odd? The issue is linked to post processing, but I can't see if it's just temperature that's showing it. 

    • raju.chowdhury

      Other flow field looks fine. As I would like to apply solidification sub-model, I am not sure whether it will affect the solidification process or not.

    • Rob
      Forum Moderator

      Shouldn't do, what happens when you try it? 

    • raju.chowdhury

      Different impact dynamic observed.

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