General Mechanical

General Mechanical

Topics related to Mechanical Enterprise, Motion, Additive Print and more.

Total bending moment

    • OROI


      How i can plot total bending moment, there is min and max bending moment values but how make plot like bending moment total Y direction?

    • Vinayak Vipradas
      Ansys Employee

      To get a plot of Bending Moment values, you can insert the Total Shear-Moment Diagram available under Beam Results. Then define the Type as Directional Shear-Moment Diagram (VZ-UZ-MZ) and the Graphics Display as Y Bending Moment, to get the Bending Moment along Y-axis. You will need to define the Path by selecting the edge along which the result is to be obtained.
      For further information on Shear-Moment Diagram, please refer to the following link:
      Shear-Moment Diagram (

      Regards Vinayak
      Ansys Help
      Ansys Learning Forum (Rules & Guidelines)

    • OROI
      Ok thanks, what if i want plot time dependent total bending moment. I can edit those min and max moment values with excel and make the plot that way, but can i get time dependent total moment directly somehow?
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