TAGGED: electrical-machines, maxwell, maxwell-2d
September 11, 2021 at 5:29 pmKashishSubscriber
I am trying to model an outer rotor SRM. So far, I tried importing external geometry but it was causing a lot of errors. So, someone in my University suggested to model a inner rotor SRM and export it to Maxwell 2D. Then change the location of the windings from the stator to rotor which could give an almost same results. I did that and none of the other parameters are changed else from the location of windings. I am getting the error as shown
September 16, 2021 at 2:16 amNavya CAnsys EmployeeHi @Kashish Check the following.
1) Have you added the winding also to the band after moving from stator to rotor?
If not - Select the band object from the history tree, Goto Project manager window, expand model, Right mouse click on motion setup, and select reassign. This will make sure everything under band is included in the motion setup
2) Did the model validate properly before running the simulation?
Regards Navya
September 21, 2021 at 3:47 pmKashishSubscriber
I did add the winding again. I deleted the band from Maxwell2D>Model>motion setup> delete all and then reassigned the band. I also validated the model it did not show any errors except the one which shows when I run it
"Project1 (D:/year II/Ansys/modelrmxprt2/)
Maxwell2DDesign1 (Transient, XY)
[warning] Maxwell2d solver, process solver2d: Internal Solver Warning:'No mesh operation was effective in the band-region after re-mesh! ' (9:13:23 PMSep 21, 2021)
[error] Maxwell2d solver, process solver2d error: Internal Solver Error:'BsmMesh could not find the pair of a linked boundary - linesegment '. Please contact ANSYS technical support. (9:13:23 PMSep 21, 2021)
[error] Simulation completed with execution error on server: Local Machine. (9:13:23 PMSep 21, 2021)"
It says to contact technical support
May 18, 2023 at 3:30 pmmostafa.ahmadiSubscriberÂ
I have a similar problem. I would appreciate if you could advise how to resolve this error.
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