TAGGED: hfss, microstrip
August 27, 2024 at 5:15 pmEli Brunner-HuberSubscriber
Hello there,
I'm currently working on a simulation of a photodetector that is effectively a large array of microstrip lines that each read out to two ports. For context:
I have a dielectric with 8 anodes on the top surface that each connect to two ports on each end of the dielectric. There is also a grounded plane on the bottom of the dielectric, which the ports all connect to.
What I am looking to do is model the cross-talk between strips for a specific situation. That situation is: injecting a Gaussian-ish pulse of charge at the center of an anode, to simulate the photoelectric effect in the photodetector.Â
However, I can't figure out if there is a way to 1.) Make the pulse of charge Gaussian-ish (have been using broadband pulse so far) and 2.) inject it in the middle of an anode (have been injecting at one port at the end of the anode so far).
Does anyone know if this is doable, and if so, how? Up until now I've been assiging the port with the charge being injected as a modal waveport while the rest are passive terminal lumped ports. Then I can view the output of each port and the waveform of the injected charge.
Thank you for your help in advance!
October 11, 2024 at 1:08 amDMARATHEAnsys Employee
Hi Eli Brunner,
I would suggest you to create ports for exctitation point in HFSS. You can also creates ports at other ends of lines for terminations can be Lumped Ports.
The solved HFSS model can be taken as component in to Ansys Circuit where in component library you can look for a suitable source. You can use a push excitation feature from Ansys Circuit to fed back circuit excitation in to HFSS model to visualize fields etc.
For more detailed guidance on co-simulation using HFSS Circuit and HFSS MCAD, you can refer to the provided resources which explain the process of inserting ports, creating voltage sources, and analyzing the circuit https://www.youtube.com/embed/wa6HlTj1ecA?feature=oembed
Please note that you may need to consult the Ansys Circuit documentation or seek additional resources that specifically address Gaussian signal pulse creation in Circuit or HFSS.Thanks,
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