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General Mechanical

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Software Execution error inside the mesher

    • vishal295


      I am doing structural simulation of shell model in Ansys Mechanical WB. In which i have done simulation with Mesh (Linear Mechanical) with which I was successful but with same model (duplicate model of linear mechanical) which is Non Linear Mechanical Mesh option I am getting an error with mesh. Please have a look at the mesh setting. I have tried to mesh with refinement as well but still same error everytime.

      Can anyone help me with this ? May am I missing something in the mesh?

      Thank you and Best regards,


    • Govindan Nagappan
      Ansys Employee
      You will see the software execution error of there is a crash in the meshing process. This can occur due to mesh controls used or it can occur if there is not enough memory when creating large meshes or it can be caused by a firewall/antivirus program blocking the meshing process
      Assuming that it is due to mesh controls in your model, you can try changing the mesh controls you have. If you have mutliple bodies, try controlling the meshing sequence. Select one body at a time, right click and select "generate mesh on selected bodies" . If meshing fails for a specific body, change mesh controls for the specific body. Try using a different mesh method (patch independent tetra instead of patch conforming tetra, multizone instead of sweep etc) and see if it helps
    • vishal295
      Thank you for your reply.

      Yes. I tried Meshing step by step with all the parts. Then I found there was one bottom stiffener was in out of position 0,6 mm when I tried to mesh it. Then I add 1mm pinch to this part and meshed it. It got modified itself and mesh was successfull.

      Thank you !
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