General Mechanical

General Mechanical

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Why is Mechanical so bad in calculating the correct volume?


    • piknockyou
    • Aniket
      Forum Moderator
      In Mechanical how are you checking the volume?
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    • piknockyou
      Selecting the body. Down right in the bar.
    • BenjaminStarling
      Mechanical operates on faceted geometry data (this is common for FEA applications), therefore the accuracy is determined by the size of the facets that are imported. Not sure about Catia, but in Spaceclaim this can be changed in Options -> Popular -> Rendering Quality. For Catia this option may be handled by Workbench or Mechanical upon import?
      The mesh is able to conform to primitives and splined surfaces, and in general can be finer or coarser than the faceted data that makes up the geometry, so again, accuracy is just determined by mesh size.
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