We learned in this section that it is essential to define the appropriate connections between the bolts and the mating components to capture the interaction between them. In this workshop, we will model a wall-mounted bearing in which the bolts are represented as solid bodies and define contact connections between various components.
This workshop has been divided into two parts. In part 1, we will import the Geometry, and define various Named Selections and Contact Connections, and in part 2, we will generate the Mesh, apply the appropriate Boundary Conditions and solve for the results.
Download the zip file and extract the contents. Follow along with the provided How To Video file.
Gaskets are primarily used to seal a bolted joint and prevent fluid leakage. In this homework, we model a bolted flange and represent bolts as beam connections. In order to save time, we only model an octant of a bolted flange and use cyclic symmetry. The simulation provides helpful insights into the performance of the seal and the assembly. Perform the analysis and answer the questions in the homework-based quiz.
Download the zip file and extract the contents. Go through the Readme file. Follow along with the provided How To Video file.