Advanced Scripting in Ansys Discovery

Automation of repetitive processes and the execution of a sequence of predefined procedures are both made possible by discovery scripting. In this course, we will discover how to make a script accessible to multiple users by publishing it as a script tool in the Ansys Discovery ribbon. As a result, new script tools with customized workflows can be developed. We will next cover a crucial feature of Discovery scripting that can help specify different user inputs using interactive tools. The DiscoveryInputHelper feature is used to accomplish this. We'll also look into some advanced selection logic to select entities outside of the standard selection methods available in Discovery. Lastly, you will learn how to record operations using the History Tracking feature and edit them to develop custom workflows. After completing this course, you will be ready to use the advanced scripting capabilities in Discovery.
Learn practical simulation engineering techniques while following along with hands-on examples that can be completed either using your valid commercial/academic Ansys license or with Ansys Student.
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