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LSTC Barrier Models

LSTC of­fers sev­er­al Off­set De­formable Bar­ri­er (ODB) and Mov­able De­formable Bar­ri­er (MDB) mod­els:

  • ODB mod­eled with shell el­e­ments
  • ODB mod­eled with sol­id el­e­ments
  • MDB ac­cord­ing to FMVSS 214 mod­eled with shell el­e­ments
  • MDB ac­cord­ing to FMVSS 214 mod­eled with sol­id el­e­ments
  • MDB ac­cord­ing to ECE R-95 mod­eled with shell el­e­ments
  • AE-MDB mod­eled with shell el­e­ments
  • IIHS MDB mod­eled with shell el­e­ments
  • IIHS MDB mod­eled with sol­id el­e­ments
  • RCAR bumper bar­ri­er
  • RMDB mod­eled with shell and sol­id el­e­ments

LSTC ODB and MDB mod­els are de­vel­oped to cor­re­late to sev­er­al tests pro­vid­ed by our cus­tomers. These tests are pro­pri­etary da­ta and are not cur­rent­ly avail­able to the pub­lic.

All cur­rent mod­els can be ob­tained through our web­page in the LSTC Mod­els down­load sec­tion or through your LS-DY­NA dis­trib­u­tor.

To sub­mit ques­tions, sug­ges­tions, or feed­back about LSTC's mod­els, please send an e-mail to: Al­so, please con­tact us if you would like to help im­prove these mod­els by shar­ing test da­ta.



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