This course covers the comprehensive understanding and analysis of flow patterns and analytical models. It starts with an exploration of the homogenous flow theory, the drift flux model, and the separated flow model. For example, students learn how the drift flux model modifies the homogenous fluid theory when there is relative motion between phases. The course then delves into the analysis of flow regimes, with a focus on two-phase flow and slug flow patterns. It explains the importance of non-dimensional groups in proposing different regimes and determining values of u infinity and n. Lastly, the course discusses the analysis of the slug flow pattern, focusing on distortion and relative velocity in the pattern, and the impact of long Taylor bubbles on the calculation of alpha and the pressure gradient.
Cost: FREE
- Course Duration: 2-4 HOURS
- Skill Level: Intermediate
- Skills Gained: Course covers flow pattern analysis, homogenous and separated flow models, two-phase and slug flow, non-dimensional group importance, Taylor bubble impact on calculations.
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