This course covers the comprehensive understanding of theories of failures, which are essential for determining the conditions that initiate the failure of a material. It delves into the different types of loads such as axial force, bending moment, and torsion that can cause a machine component like a shaft or a pressure vessel to fail. For example, while designing a component, the course helps in identifying the combination of loads that can lead to failure, thereby aiding in maintaining the load level below the critical state. The course also introduces various theories of failures like the maximum principal stress theory, maximum shear stress theory, and maximum principal strain theory. It further explains the criteria for material failure and how these criteria help in determining the point of failure in a material under stress. The course concludes with practical applications of these theories and criteria in real-world scenarios.
Cost: FREE
- Course Duration: 4-6 HOURS
- Skill Level: Intermediate
- Skills Gained: Strength of Materials, Theories of Material Failure
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