Reverse Engineering is an important process that helps engineers recreate existing designs or replace parts that are impossible or hard to find. Through 3D scans, engineers can get a digital version of the product or part in question. But often those scans are either incomplete or have geometry errors. The next step of the process is to use Ansys Discovery to turn that STL mesh file into a workable solid geometry. In this course, we will learn about the STL facet cleanup tools as well as the Reverse Engineering tools in Ansys Discovery. The course will conclude with a demonstration of how to reverse engineer a product part from start to finish.
A course completion badge allows you to showcase your success. We partner with the Credly Acclaim platform, and digital badges can be used in email signatures, digital resumes and social media sites. The digital image contains verified metadata that describes your participation in our course and the topics and skills that were covered. This badge is for successfully completing the Reverse Engineering in Ansys Discovery course.
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Cost: FREE
- Course Duration: 1-2 HOURS
- Skill Level: Intermediate
- Skills Gained: Reverse Engineering tools, Geometry cleanup, Ansys Discovery
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