When you start working with Ansys optiSLang, and have the following questions; What are the options to automatize my CAE Process? What are Objectives and Constraints? What is a Sensitivity Analysis and a MOP? How to find optimal design Parameters? Then join this course to learn more about the Methods for Process Integration and Design Optimization (PIDO). It explains the concept and it is recommended to be used together with an Ansys optiSLang application example. This course consists of 4 lessons, and we expect to complete this course in 30 min. It builds upon the foundation set in the Parametric Analysis and Optimization course.
The student version for Ansys optiSLang is available now and can be downloaded from here.
A course completion badge allows you to showcase your success. We partner with the Credly Acclaim platform, and digital badges can be used in email signatures, digital resumes and social media sites. The digital image contains verified metadata that describes your participation in our course and the topics and skills that were covered. This badge is for successfully completing the Introduction to Methods for PIDO in Ansys optiSLang course.
Alternate video link.
Cost: FREE
- Course Duration: 1-2 HOURS
- Skill Level: Beginner
- Skills Gained: Ansys optiSLang, PIDO, Optimization
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